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Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Sex and the city the movie

I went to see it for the first time, yes I have seen it more then once, about a month ago with a friend of mine who is also a fan of the series. For some reason I felt a bit embarressed about it all. Despite being really excited as well. Why? Because there's all this hype around it, negative hype saying that unless you're a shoppoholic airhead who likes dirty oneliners then you're just not supposed to like it. I don't get it. The series was good! And I'm not saying that as a woman who happends to like fashion and the occasional girltalk session. I'm saying that as someone who appriciates a show with a great sence of humor, well written script, actors who make you forget that they're only acting and make you believe they actually are the roles that they're playing, an interesting story line and lot's of scenes that make you think "Aaah...oh yeah...been there done that. I know what she must be feeling now."

I just always thaugt it was honest, funny and entertaining. Even moving at times. Films or tv series about female friendships always push the right buttons with me. Anyway...I didn't expect the movie to be that good. I just couldn't imagine the show working on the big screen. There for I felt nervous and kept thinking about how embarassing it would be if they had spent all this money and energy on something that simply wasn't worth it. A failure. But I was surprised. It never tried to be anything that it wasn't. It didn't stray from the line the series had been following for years. A story about women, their love/sexlifes and their friendships with each other. And fashion. Of course.
Sure, there was some scenes that felt a bit silly and staged but in the end I liked it. And yes...I did cry. Like I said, there's just something about female friendships that get to me. And the scene when Carrie goes to see Miranda on new years eve got to me. It's one of those cliches that happends to be true. If you have a true friend then you have eveything you need. Sounds a bit naive considering the world we live in today, but I truly do believe that.

I've been thinking recently lately about how people can be so unbelieveably judgemental about films they haven't even seen. About 80% of the people I've talked to about this film and who said it's horrible haven't even seen it! Ok, obviously this is not a masterpiece and it's certainly not one of my favourite movies. But it always get's on my nerves when people do that. Not only when it comes to Sex and the city. There's loads of good examples. Brokeback Mountain probably being the best one.
I tell you...the day that people don't judge a film like Brokeback before seeing it...that's a good day.


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